Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Our Week

Oma said that it was good to be 10% off but was still a bit of money. Emma, Christopher and I wanted to go (I thought even though it is still a bit expensive it was better than usual) and we asked if we could. Oma said okay and so we went. Emma and I had rainbow ice cream and Christopher had cookies and cream.

When we had had that we went back to Opa. He was still fishing and had told me that he and Christopher and he had caught a puffer fish (WOW) and a brim. After all of that we went home.

The next day Emma and I played play station for a while.
TV was next.

The next day was swimming time! At first it was very cold. Then we started to dive and had a lot of fun. After a while Emma got cold and we went up to the house for a drink. We went back to the pool and a blowfly somehow got into my swimmers and bit me. (Don't worry, it doesn't hurt as much as you think). Emma and I went up to mum and told her about the bite. It didn't really matter and we had to wait for Ray (our neighbour) to get back and go to the area to get some lettuce. (Ray owns the pool).

When Ray got back Emma and I got in the back of his car (his car has no roof, sides or doors) and stood up for a fun ride. Mum got in the front. The ride was SO much fun!

We arrive at the vegetables and Emma and I went to feed the ducks. WE had to call them chooks so we were calling "Here chook, chook, chook"! Mum and Ray finished picking the lettuce and we got back in the car.

We got back home and Emma said to me that that ride was the ride of her life! I felt the same way.

One day passed.

The next one though.....we had an other swim! This time we brought along my dolphin, noodle and witches hats. We had a whole lot more fun this time! Falling off the dolphin was fun too but we had a few panic's because sometimes when we fell in we had no breath at all!

After that day Emma had to go. (It was Friday). I went in the car to spend 2 extra hours with Emma but it was a four hour drive altogether.

Dad and I stopped at the little wind chime shop in Esk to get a few thing. Dad bought me 2 cute little elephants made of glass and with pretty patterns inside the glass. I named them Emma and Catherine. Dad got Christopher a beautiful snake with aboriginal patterns on it. Christopher called it Oscar.

I am sorry to say that is the end of this "to be continued" two time blog post!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Catherine

Thank you for sharing your wonderful adventures. It sounds like such fun.
