Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Bookshelf Disadvantages and Advantages

My dad made these beautiful bookshelf for us and painted them white.
Then he put them into place, but alas. He realised he made one of them too high! So he now has to fix it. (To bad for him).

Now he's fixed them and they look great. He also put the books n the shelfs and like I said it looks great!

Monday, August 6, 2007

Birthday delight

On the weekend my family and I went to my granny's house for her 70th birthday and my cousin Emma was up there! I had not seen her for what seemed like ages and it felt great to see her again.

we played a computer game called the SIMS CITY and it is so cool.
The night after that it was granny's birthday and who would of thought she was turning 70!
We went to Sizzler a restaurant for dinner and granny opened her gifts from us there. My family and I gave granny a very pretty purple photo album and a book of photos of our whole family.

Emma and I also played this American dragon game on the internet.

when we had to leave I tried to take Emma with us but mum and dad didn't allow it so we had to leave without Emma.